
Add Vosaic to Canvas LMS

To add Vosaic as an external tool to Canvas you'll need to first configure it inside Canvas, then inside Vosaic. Below are the steps for both.

1. Canvas: Add Developer Key

You must be logged in to Canvas as an Administrator.

  1. Click the "Admin" tab and select "Developer Keys" from the side-menu
  2. Click the "+ Developer Key" button and select "LTI Key" from the drop-down
  3. Key Settings window will open
    Canvas Key Settings for Vosaic
  4. Enter following:
    1. Key Name: Vosaic
    2. Redirect URIs: https://vosaic.com/openid
    3. Title: Vosaic
    4. Description: Video submission and feedback
    5. Target Link URI: https://vosaic.com/videos
    6. OpenID Connect Initiation Url: https://vosaic.com/ltilogin
    7. JWK Method: change it to Public JWK URL
    8. Public JWK URL: https://vosaic.com/api/v1/jwks
  5. Expand LTI Advantage Services and select:
    1. Can retrieve user data associated with the context the tool is installed in.
    2. Can lookup Account information
      LTI Advantage Services for Vosaic
  6. Expand Additional Settings and set the Privacy Level to PUBLIC
    Canvas Privacy Setting for Vosaic
  7. Under Placements, at the minimum select:
    1. Account Navigation
    2. Link Selection
    3. Course Navigation
    4. Assignment Selection
    5. (Optional) Other placements you'd find beneficial
  8. Expand Account Navigation and set:
    1. Target Link URI to https://vosaic.com/videos
    2. Text: Vosaic
  9. Expand Link Selection and set:
    1. Target Link URI: https://vosaic.com/lti/deeplinking
    2. Select Message Type: LtiDeepLinkingRequest
    3. Text: Vosaic Video
      Canvas Link Selection options for Vosaic
  10. Expand Course Navigation and set:
    1. Target Link URI to https://vosaic.com/videos
    2. Text: Vosaic
  11. Expand Assignment Selection and set:
    1. Target Link URI to https://vosaic.com/lti/deeplinking
    2. Select Message Type: LtiDeepLinkingRequest
    3. Text: Vosaic Video
  12. (Optional) If you've added any additional placements, make sure to expand them and set:
    1. Target Link URI: https://vosaic.com/videos
    2. Text: Vosaic
  13. Press Save
  14. Set the State to "ON", then copy the Client ID (under Details) and paste it somewhere you can easily access, as we will need it in steps below
    Canvas tool id for Vosaic

2. Canvas: Add Deployment

  1. From the Admin side menu select "Settings". It's typically at the bottom of the side menu
  2. Select the "Apps" tab
  3. Press the "+ App" button
  4. From the Configuration Type menu select: By Client ID
  5. Enter the Client ID copied from the step 12 above
  6. Press Submit
  7. Press Install
  8. Once installed, click the settings icon and select "Deployment ID" from the drop-down
    Copy the deployment id
  9. A modal will open. 
  10. Copy the Deployment Id and paste it somewhere you can easily access, as we will need it in steps below
    Copy Vosaic deployment id

You're now done with settings in Canvas. Next you'll need to log in to your Vosaic account and use the copied Client ID and Deployment ID to finish configuring the connection.

3. Vosaic: Add LTI Integration


  • You must be logged in to Vosaic as an Administrator
  • You must know your LMS's Authentication and Certification URLs

Once logged in to Vosaic follow these steps:

  1. From the main navigation in the top right click the "Hi, [Name]" tab and select "Features" from the drop down
  2. Click the Settings button in the "Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)" box.
  3. Click the "Add Manual LTI Configuration" button
  4. Enter following
    1. Integration Name: Canvas
    2. Platform URL: https://canvas.instructure.com
    3. Authentication End Point (replace <canvas install url> with your Canvas installation URL): https://<canvas install url>/api/lti/authorize_redirect
    4. Certificate URL (replace <canvas install url> with your Canvas installation URL): https://<canvas install url>/api/lti/security/jwks
    5. Client ID: Paste the value from "1. Canvas: Add Developer Key - Step 12" above
    6. Deployment ID: Paste the value from "2. Canvas: Add Deployment - Step 10" above
    7. Press Save Changes
      Vosaic LTI Configuration Screen

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