Add Vosaic to Moodle LMS
To add Vosaic as an external tool to Moodle you'll need to first configure it inside Moodle, then inside Vosaic. Below are the steps for both.
1. Moodle: Auto Configuration
You must be logged in to Moodle as an Administrator.
- Click the "Site Administration" in the main menu
- On the next page, click the "Plugins" tab
- Click the "Manage Tools" link located under the "Activity Modules → External Tool" section
- Tool URL:
- Press the "Add LTI Advantage" button
- You'll be redirected to a Vosaic page to confirm the connection
- Press the "Yes, Continue" button
- A "Success" message will appear
- Press the "Close" button
- If you haven't received an error, you're done and can ignore the steps below
- If you receive an error connect using the steps below
2. Moodle: Manual Configuration
You must be logged in to Moodle as an Administrator.
- Click the "Site Administration" in the main menu
- On the next page, click the "Plugins" tab
- Click the "Manage Tools" link located under the "Activity Modules → External Tool" section
- In the Tool URL enter:
- Click the "...configure a tool manually" link located directly under the "Add LTI Advantage" button
- On the Tool Settings page enter following:
- Tool Name: Vosaic
- Tool URL:
- LTI Version:
LTI 1.3
- Public key type:
Keyset URL
- Public keyset:
- Initiate login URL:
- Redirection URI(s):
- Tool configuration usage: select
Show as preconfigured tool when adding an external tool
- Default launch container:
New Window
- Check "Supports Deep Linking (Content-Item Message)"
- Content Selection URL:
- Press the "Save Changes" button
- Vosaic will appear under the Tools list
- Click the menu icon
- A modal will open with the information you'll need to configure Vosaic in the steps below
3. Vosaic: Add LTI Integration
- You must be logged in to Vosaic as an Administrator
- You must know your LMS's Authentication and Certification URLs
Once logged in to Vosaic follow these steps:
- From the main navigation in the top right click the Hi, [Name] tab and select Features from the drop down
- Click the Settings button in the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) box.
- Click the Add Manual LTI Configuration button
- Enter following
- Integration Name: Moodle
- Platform URL:
https://<moodle install url>
- Authentication End Point (replace <moodle install url> with your Moodle installation URL):
https://<moodle install url>/mod/lti/auth.php
- Certificate URL (replace <moodle install url> with your Moodle installation URL):
https://<moodle install url>/mod/lti/certs.php
- Client ID: Paste the value from "2. Moodle: Manual Configuration - Step 9" above
- Deployment ID: Paste the value from "2. Moodle: Manual Configuration - Step 9" above
- Press the Save Changes button
Last Step
Log back in to Moodle and activate Vosaic.
- Click the Site Administration in the main menu
- On the next page, click the Plugins tab
- Click the Manage Tools link located under the Activity Modules → External Tool section
- Activate Vosaic