
Activate iCoda on iOS Device(s)

NOTE: Beginning December 31st, 2017, development of Studiocode and iCoda will stop and new licenses will not be available for purchase. Please consider Vosaic as a replacement. Read More.

Activate iCoda on iOS Device(s)

The Coda (Mac) Command Centre is responsible for allocating the iCoda Activations. There are no actual licenses for iCoda (iOS devices). For example: if your institution purchased five iCoda Activations, those will appear in the Command Centre under "Activations" much like the picture below.
User-added image

The following steps explain how to allocate the iCoda Activations to the iOS devices. If you have more than one iOS device, it would behoove you to name each one uniquely before following the instructions.

  1. Connect the iOS device and Mac to the same internet enabled network. See this article for wifi requirements.
  2. Mac: Launch Coda
  3. Mac: Coda > Command Centre... and click on "Devices" in the top left corner of the Command Centre windowUser-added image
  1. iOS Device: Launch iCoda. At this point you should see the iOS device appear in the Command Centre sidebar, as well as the iCoda Activations for the specific number of iOS devices you plan to use.
  2. Mac: Single click on iOS device in the Command Centre side bar
  3. iOS Device: You should be prompted to "Allow" or "Allow forever" the connection to the Command Centre. Typically "Allow forever" makes sense to choose.
  4. Mac: Single click on "Activate" in the Command Centre. You should notice that one of the Activations in the Command Centre is now in use.
  5. iOS Device: "Kill" iCoda by double tapping the home button on the iPad, then swiping iCoda up off the screen
  6. iOS Device: relaunch iCoda
  7. Mac: Single click on the refresh icon in the Command Centre near the Activations. The Activation should now reflect the name of your particular iOS device. User-added image

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