
I Don't See a Livestream

Platform: Browser

Available to users in Administrator, Educator, Learner and Viewer roles.

Here are some of the reasons why you wouldn't be able to see a live stream:

1. You're not on the same network as the user that started the live stream.

For security reasons you can join a livestream only if you're on the same network as the user who started the live stream. If at your building you have access to multiple WiFi networks, please make sure you're connected to the correct network.

2. Number of allowed users who can watch the live stream has been reached.

Currently the number of users who can join a live stream is five (5). If you're logged in to your account on multiple computers, you'll be able to watch a live stream on only one of them.

3. Live stream stopped

If during the live stream your screen goes blank, one of the two things happened:

  1. the live stream is paused
  2. the live stream ended

If you think the live stream is paused, refresh your screen to check if the live stream is un-paused. This is a known BETA bug.

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