
Set and filter videos by status

To set a video status:

Go to the video home page by clicking the video title in the sidebar or in the main column or pressing the "Details" button.

Go to video home page

On the video home page click the Status drop-down and select one of the options:

  • Not Set
  • In Progress
  • Ready For Review
  • Completed
Select video status

The status is automatically saved.

Optional: Press the Email button to send an email and notify appropriate person about the status change

Send email notification

To filter videos by status:

On the Videos page locate the "Filter Videos By Status" drop-down and select one of the status options

Filter videos by status

Once filtered, the settings can be updated in the Videos main column

Modify filter by status

Note: The Status is and "AND" filter, which means that it can be combined with other filters such as "Filter by Project" or "Filter by Group"

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