
Studiocode Tutorials | 6.3 Labels & Groups - Labels Default Behavior

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In this video tutorial we're going to cover labels default behavior in code mode and actually capture mode for that matter.

For purposes of this demonstration I'm just going to stay in code mode because it's easier but the labels would behave the same way by default in capture mode as well. So let me show you what I have open on screen. Here I have a code window. Obviously you can see I have one code button which is identified by this diamond called taxi another one called bus both of them.

Let me lasso here. Both of them have a lead time of 4 seconds and no lag time meaning I have to click on either of these buttons twice in order to mark in and out then I have a group of labels here called the group is called enters and then north south east and west as well as labels for turn or for making a turn or going straight through the intersection and the group is maneuver.

Okay so I'm going to go to code mode will let the video start playing here and if you watch previous video tutorials you should know that labels have to apply to instances. You cannot just apply labels to arbitrary points on the timeline so let me mark in with a code and I'll pause the video.

The first thing to know is up when a code button is on or open you can click on any number of labels that then I get up get applied to this building instance in the timeline. As you can see there's no instance actually observable in the timeline yet but you can like you might think of it as this code button is now open to accept any labels that you click on so the video's paused but it could be playing as well that doesn't matter just know that the button here I've marked in with so far.

So let's click on north and turn now those two labels are on this instance that eventually will complete. I'll play the video a little bit further and then I'll mark out of taxi here so now if I hover my mouse over that instance you can see that the North intern labels are on that instance. Now the next thing to be aware of is by default again labels behave in such a way that the last code button that was ended is still open to accept labels so I've marked out of taxi and I haven't really clicked on anything else and let's just for sake an example click on South since taxi was the last code button that I ended. It now has the South label on it as well which you can see here down in the timeline so by default those are the first few ways that labels can be added to instances.

And the next thing to be aware of is that labels sort of spray out to any code button that may be open in the code window so just because I put these labels sort of near or next to this taxi button has no bearing on at this point what they could apply to so let me play the video a little bit further here I'm going to fast-forward away for the from this instance in a mark in with taxi and I'm going to mark in with bus so I have two codes open and I'll pause the video again just so that's not moving along and now in this case since there are two code buttons open if I click on let's say west and straight both of those labels are now on these code buttons because both of them are sort of open to accept those labels oh I'll just go ahead and end the instances here with taxi and bus so now I have two instances.

You can see that if I hover over the first one taxi it has both of those labels. Similarly the bus instance has the same labels so for starters this is the way labels behave in code mode. There are obviously many other methods or workflows to adding labels but you should be aware of their default behavior especially if you're going to be labeling and coding in real time while you're recording or capturing the video. That's where this sort of behavior matters the most.

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