
Studiocode Tutorials | 7.10 Matrix - Replace Labels and Codes From Selected Timeline

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In this video tutorial we're going to go over how to use the matrix setting called replace labels and codes.

In selected timeline you can see that I have two movie packages already open and I'll open the matrix from one of them. It doesn't really matter at this point which one and you can see that the matrix here reflects the information from intersection to the way a matrix behaves by default. Let me show you that first is if I go to this timeline and choose intersection one the information from intersection one the movie package will be added to this timeline.

So now you see the information from both movie packages but in many cases you may only want to see the information from one movie package at a time so in order to control that on the matrix just go back there to the double arrows go to settings and this radio button is how you replace the labels and codes from selected timeline.

Hope that makes sense so I'll just check that click OK come back to these double arrows and go to timeline and I'll switch back to intersection two. Now you can see that the information in the matrix only reflects that particular timeline. Similarly you know if I switch back to intersection one the information there just gets replaced as the menu item or setting says.

Hope that helps, thanks for watching.

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