
Upload Videos from Google Drive

Platform: Browser

To upload videos to Vosaic from your Google Drive account follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Vosaic account.

  2. Select Add New Video in the upper left corner.

    Add New Video

  3. Name your project, click Save and Upload.
  4. Scroll until you see Upload from Google Drive, and click the “Google Drive” link.

    Upload From Google Drive

  5. Press the “Connect to Google Drive” button.

    Connect to Google Drive

  6. If not logged in to your Google Account, you'll be asked to do so. Then, make sure to allow the Vosaic website to access Drive content.

    Allow Vosaic to access your Google Drive

  7. Search for and select the video you would like to upload.

    Select video you'd like to upload from Google Drive

  8. Once you have uploaded your video you will be taken to the file where you can watch and mark up your video.

Please NOTE: You can only upload one video at a time. If you select more than one video only one of them will be uploaded.

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