
Studiocode V10 Upgrade Requirements

NOTE: Beginning December 31st, 2017, development of Studiocode and iCoda will stop and new licenses will not be available for purchase. Please consider Vosaic as a replacement. Read More.

The following requirements are applicable to users that are currently running Studiocode v4 or v5. If you're not sure which version of Studiocode you are running, click here.

Please do not install v10 until all of the requirements are met. If you collaborate (e.g. share Studiocode files) with colleagues, it is necessary to upgrade Studiocode on all applicable Macs to v10. Thus, all Macs must meet the following requirements.

  1. Upgrading to Studiocode v10 requires a Studiocode v10 license. Please obtain this license by contacting Vosaic prior to installing Studiocode v10. In most cases, this will be a paid upgrade.
  2. Ensure that your Mac(s) meet the Studiocode v10 Mac Hardware Requirements and Studiocode and Mac OS X Compatibility.

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