
Compare Multiple Users' Marked Moments in a Video

Emir Plicanic
Emir Plicanic

December 06, 2016

One of the more valuable insights of group video analysis is the ability compare how different users mark up the same video using the same parameters. Vosaic’s latest feature, the multi-user timeline makes comparing users’ marked moments possible. Learn about this new feature below.

Multi-user Timelines are Permission-Based

Once the video has been shared and marked up by multiple users, the timeline under the video can display all users’ marked moments. The multi-user timeline is permission-based, so higher permission levels are able to view more timelines.

  1. Administrator
    Can see how all users marked up the video.

  2. Educator
    Can see their markups and the markups of all users with whom they shared the video.

  3. Learner
    Can see their markups and their educator(s) markups.

  4. Viewers
    Can see their educator(s) markups.

Identifying Users

Each set of rows begins with the user’s initials.

Filtering Markup

Clicking on a moment in a timeline filters the moments in the sidebar.

Moments can also be filtered by selecting user’s name from the drop-down on the top of the column.

Log on to your account and share a video to see how multi-user timeline works. If you don’t have an account, get started by registering for a free 14-day trial.

Getting Started With Video Toolkit (PDF).

PDF Download


  • Sample Letter To School Leaders
  • Common Answers to Video Questions
  • Walkthrough Sample
  • Observation Sample
  • and more.
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