
Vosaic Videos Page Explained

Platform: Browser
User: Administrator, Educator, Learner, Viewer

Videos page on Vosaic consists of two main sections, a Video List column on the left hand side, and the Video Details column on the right. Video List contains all videos a specific user has access to. By default the Administrator can view all videos uploaded by anyone in their organization.

After single clicking on a video in the Video List, the Video Details page shows:

  1. The date the video was uploaded to Vosaic. The date is displayed as MM/DD/YYYY.
  2. The name given to the video when it was uploaded.
  3. The length of the video in minutes and seconds.
  4. The Watch and Mark Up the Video button, which is used to watch and mark up the video.
  5. The Lock icon, which will allow you to share your video with another user or group.
  6. The File icon, which will allow you to download a variety of files.
  7. The Gear icon, which will allow you to edit the video name and date and delete video.
  8. MARKED UP MOMENTS, which displays the Form name(s) and number of marks added to the video by each form button.
  9. WHO CAN SEE THIS VIDEO shows all users and/or groups that the video has been shared with.

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