Vosaic Videos Page Explained
Platform: Browser
User: Administrator, Educator, Learner, Viewer
Videos page on Vosaic consists of two main sections, a Video List column on the left hand side, and the Video Details column on the right. Video List contains all videos a specific user has access to. By default the Administrator can view all videos uploaded by anyone in their organization.
After single clicking on a video in the Video List, the Video Details page shows:
- The date the video was uploaded to Vosaic. The date is displayed as MM/DD/YYYY.
- The name given to the video when it was uploaded.
- The length of the video in minutes and seconds.
- The Watch and Mark Up the Video button, which is used to watch and mark up the video.
- The Lock icon, which will allow you to share your video with another user or group.
- The File icon, which will allow you to download a variety of files.
- The Gear icon, which will allow you to edit the video name and date and delete video.
- MARKED UP MOMENTS, which displays the Form name(s) and number of marks added to the video by each form button.
- WHO CAN SEE THIS VIDEO shows all users and/or groups that the video has been shared with.