What Our Users Have To Say About Vosaic Connect
Emir Plicanic
October 23, 2017
One of the classes Tara Kaczorowski Ph.D teaches at Illinois State is Math Methods for Learners with Disabilities.Tara uses Vosaic with her students to help them observe and provide feedback to their peers, and also for self-reflection.
Here are some things her students said about Vosaic.
Tell me about your experience using Vosaic for your A3 Collaborative Lesson Study reflection. What was the process like?
"I used Vosaic for the A3 reflection to go back and look at myself to find strengths and weaknesses in my teaching. I enjoyed the experience, and I felt that Vosaic was simple and easy to use."
"I was very nervous, but after watching other group members go I felt more at ease. Watching the video was really cool, I noticed a lot of things about myself that I never realized before. I was able to pinpoint specific things that I need to improve which is nice to know."
"I enjoyed using Vosaic and critiquing my teaching. Tagging the video was very simple and allowed me to reflect on my strengths and weaknesses."
"User friendly, fun way to watch and review a video."
"I found the experience with Vosaic to be very helpful. I thought that "marking" the video was really helpful for me to visualize the specific strengths and weaknesses in my lesson. I found a lot of habits that I do from the two videos I have seen from myself which is awesome practice. I thought that the process for reflecting in Vosaic was much easier than writing an essay."
What are some strengths of using video to support your written lesson reflection
"It is a lot easier to reflect on something that you are able to go back and watch again. I was also able to reflect on concrete evidence from the video."
"I could tag parts of the video and look at all those parts together. This way, I could easily quantify things I did well and things I need to work on."
"It forces you to focus on different teaching components."
"Having it in front of us to watch and being able to mark certain parts for good or bad reasons."
"I liked the markup buttons because it's easy and quick to click them while watching the video. I could go back to where I marked up video and use those moments to write about in my reflection."
For your next A6 Reflection class did you/do you plan on using Vosaic comment feature instead of writing a reflective essay?
"Yes - I'd chose Vosaic because it's not as easy for me to get all my thoughts on to paper in an essay format."
"Yes - I have written essays for both this class and others, but I think this reflection allows me to think in a different way and really evaluate my teaching practices."
"Yes - I wanted to learn a new technology and get experience with Vosaic. This could be a great tool for myself to use when preparing for EDTPA and I wanted to get practice with it. This was a perfect opportunity for me to learn more new technology."
"Yes - I thought it was easier to organize my thoughts and it felt like I picked apart all the details that I might have forgotten to include if I was typing a paper."
"Yes - I like that I can comment in the exact moment. Sometimes when I am writing a paper and need to include information from a resource (like the video), I leave out information that is important. If i can comment in the moment, I think it is a lot more effective."
As a product owner, reading this kind of feedback, helps validate all the hard work the team has been putting in to make Vosaic what it is today. What's more important, in addition to positive feedback, we also got suggestions and comments that will help shape future releases of Vosaic. If you're a current Vosaic user, please send us your feedback, and if you don't have an account please sign up for one. It's free to try, and we'd love to hear what you think about it.